Jackson JSON: using @JsonPropertyOrder annotation to define properties serialization order

In the comments to a previous article a blog reader asked support for how to customize the order in which the properties of an object appear in the string resulting from its JSON serialization, using the Jackson library. In particular, in his case, he wanted to change the default order applied to the serialization… (Read the full article)

Jackson JSON: usare l’annotazione @JsonPropertyOrder per definire l’ordine di serializzazione delle proprietà

Nei commenti ad un precedente articolo un lettore ha chiesto supporto per sapere come fare, con la libreria Jackson, a personalizzare l’ordine con cui le proprietà di un oggetto compaiono nella stringa risultante dalla sua serializzazione JSON. In particolare, nel suo caso, voleva modificare… (Read the full article)

Java Fork/Join framework performances: when is it worth?

In the previous post we saw how to use the Fork/Join framework introduced by Java 7 to take advantage of multithreading in the resolution of problems that can be approached with a divide-and-conquer strategy. In this article let’s see if and when its use actually improves performances compared… (Read the full article)

Java: using the Fork/Join Framework for the parallel resolution of divide-and-conquer problems

The Fork/Join framework is an high level mechanism, introduced by Java7 within the java.util.concurrent package, for multithreading purposes like parallel execution of a task by multiple processors. In particular, its use is ideal for simplifying the resolution of problems that can be addressed… (Read the full article)

Jackson: how to exclude null value properties from JSON serialization

In the comments to a previous article about the Jackson library, it had been raised the question on how to exclude from the JSON serialization of a Java object properties that had a null value. Since it was not the first time I received a request for clarification on the subject, I decided to deal with it … (Read the full article)

Jackson: escludere le proprietà con valore null dalla serializzazione JSON

Nei commenti ad un precedente articolo sulla libreria Jackson (in inglese), era stata sollevata la domanda relativa a come escludere dalla serializzazione JSON di un oggetto Java le proprietà che avevano un valore null. Siccome non era la prima volta che arrivava una
richiesta di chiarimento sull’argomento,… (Read the full article)

Jackson: using @JsonSerialize (or @JsonDeserialize) annotation to register a custom serializer (or deserializer)

In a previous post we saw how to create a custom JSON serializer (and also a custom deserializer) with Jackson and how to register it using the SimpleModule class. This approach, only possible starting from version 1.7, is defined by Jackson wiki page as the “recommended way to register a custom… (Read the full article)

Jackson: usare le annotations @JsonSerialize/@JsonDeserialize per registrare un serializzatore/deserializzatore custom

In un post precedente abbiamo visto come creare con Jackson un serializzatore JSON personalizzato (e anche un deserializzatore) e come registrarlo utilizzando la classe SimpleModule. Tale approccio, possibile solo a partire dalla versione 1.7, è definito dalla relativa pagina wiki di Jackson(Read the full article)